
From Tech to Mechanics: Understanding Appliances Services

Two Effective Ways to Get Rid of Odors from Your Washing Machine

Can you imagine the sinking feeling you experience when your washing machine starts emitting unpleasant smells yet the machine is intended to clean your clothes so that you have no qualms about wearing them? That sinking feeling is because you suspect the washing machine is introducing harmful substances into your clothes, instead of removing dirt. This article discusses two simple, but effective ways to get rid of those odors.

Leave the Door/Lid Open

Before delving into how this method will be effective in removing that odor, you need to understand what causes odors in washing machines. The most common cause of odors in washing machines is the presence of mold spores inside the machine. Mold can grow inside your machine even if you use it regularly. This is because a tiny pool of water may remain within the machine, and that is where the mold will grow. Another common source of odors is if you wash clothes containing odors from everyday substances like cigarettes. Those odors can linger within the machine for a while.

The easiest way to combat these odors is to leave the door or the lid of your washing machine open after running a washing cycle. This method works by allowing air to circulate within the washer and make any standing water evaporate. You will notice an improvement in just a few hours.

Use Bleach

The second effective way to get rid of odors from your washing machine is to run it when it is empty so that it is rinsed. As you do this, add some bleach (for instance a cup of bleach). Bleach is very good at killing microorganisms like mold or bacteria. This single run may not get rid of all the microorganisms that may be causing the odor, but it can flush out other causes like lingering cigarette smells. Once that empty run is complete, you can pour another cup of bleach in the washtub then leave it there. This bleach will remain within the machine and kill any remaining microorganisms. Remember to run an empty cycle before putting a load of clothes into the machine.

As you can see, you do not have to call a washing machine repair technician each time something abnormal happens to your washer. First, try simple solutions like the ones suggested above, and if you do not get the results you desire, then call a professional for washing machine repairs.

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From Tech to Mechanics: Understanding Appliances Services

If you are getting your appliance serviced, it's important to understand what's going on. That increases the chances that you can do the repair yourself, but it also makes it easier to talk with the service agent and ask the right questions. In this blog, we are going to examine appliances from a range of angles. Some posts will look at maintaining them, while others will look at critical repairs to the technology side of the appliance as well as to its mechanical elements. If these blogs improve your relationship with your appliances, please feel free to share them with others on your social media accounts or through email. Thank you for reading.